Thursday, January 24, 2008

Faith, Family, and Friends…

These are the key ingredients for any situation. Faith has played an important role as we have dealt with the twists and turns over the past two years. It has helped tremendously to have family and friends praying for us and our situation. I have to admit that at times I have been so discouraged I had given up on praying for resolution. Of course, I usually get a gentle reminder (sometimes a hard push) that things are of God’s timing and not our own. I know that in God’s infinite wisdom he has a plan for us and we have to be patient. I know that it is God who has given us such a special family and circle of friends who love and care about us


Sherri said...

That is right!! The Lord surrounds us with those who can pray and encourage us and He even allows us to meet new friends along the way!!

Todd, Christy, Jordan :) said...

Whether WE know it or not, God knows what we need when we need it. Day by day, we just keep the faith. Prayer by prayer, we just keep the pace!