We continue to adjust as a family. Evan had his first appointment with the pediatrician this week and received an excellent report. The Doctor was very impressed with his development and curiosity. The hardest part was that the poor little guy had to have blood drawn out of his arm. That was heart-wrenching. He weighs 23lbs and is 31 inches tall.
He also ate at Chick-fil-a again this week (still not impressed with the French fries). A treat for behaving so well at the Doctor’s office (at least until they started examining him). We also met some of my friends at the Wet Whistle this week for coffee (smoothie for me). I gave him a little of my strawberry smoothie which was cold. You should have seen his mouth pucker up but then he was back for more.
My Mom has been a great help and has watched him some so I could get a couple of things done. He seems to be attaching to her and we went to her house yesterday for awhile. He also celebrated his first 4th of July as an American citizen by going to a cook-out at Papaw and Mamaw’s house. He had a grand time playing in the wading pool and splashing water all around. For a little boy who screamed and cried the first time we gave him a bath in Russia, he now loves the water and bath time.
However, our biggest hurdle continues to be at night. He goes to sleep fine for naps and at bedtime but at night he just doesn’t stay asleep. He will sleep for about 2 hours and then he is up and usually ends up in bed with us which is not an ideal situation. He doesn’t rest well and neither do we. We realize he has only been with us for almost 4 weeks with 2 weeks in his new house and is still adjusting. Please pray that he will soon be able to sleep through the night in his crib not only for better rest for him but us also.